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This page describes some of the engineering projects during my time at Duke

Insulin Device render.png

Diabetic Insulin Pen for Parkinsons Patients

For my final design project for BME673, I chose to design an insulin pen for Parkinsons Patients. A video can be found describing my brainstorming process and final design.


Redesigned Cystoscope Handle

This project focused on redesigning the rigid cystoscope handle to be better for patient experience. Engineering skills developed in this project: Sketching, CAD, Design for Manufacturing, FEA analysis, Design Visualization

cytoscope test render.png

Preventing Bacterial Aerosolization from CardioQuip

For my 2 semester medical device design project, I tackled the problem of bacterial aerosolization from the MCH-1000 CardioQuip device during cardiac bypass surgery. This project helped me walk through the process of making a medical device, from initial research and need finding, to sketching and prototyping, to testing and design iterations.

final design screenshot.png
decomposed 3d rendering.png

Blinking Light Box

Enclosed box with a blinking LED. Modeled after a lantern, switching the device on and pressing the pushbutton will produce a 10Hz, 50% duty cycle signal that lasts for around 50 cycles. The signal is displayed with the LED

Medical Image Reconstruction

Utilized Slicer to model a patient's mitral valve. Then, designed a basic outline for a sewing cushion in fushion360 that would fit the anatomy of the patient's heart.

mitral valve sewing cushion.png

Reverse LBM Model Practice

Dipped my toes in understanding cost analysis by conducting a reverse Labor Burden Material (LBM) model analysis on an electric fan


Independent Study: Optimizing D4 Assay

Optimized optical biosensor testing setup for imaging fluorescently labeled assays. Compared Alexa Fluor Dye and Quantum Dots as Fluorescent labels.

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